When to Start Kids Golf Instruction?

When to Start Kids Golf Instruction?

This is the most common question by parents. There is no real answer to this as Tiger woods started when he as 18 months old. Others in the field joined much later and are successful. There is a difference of opinion on this subject of Kids golf instructions.

You should first make sure your kid really wants to play golf. Let your kids decide for themselves whether they want to play the game or not. It is really amazing to see that those kids who are interested in the game learn things very fast. It is fun for them to learn the game of golf.

You should also consider that young children, below 11 years of age lack the concentration for learning golf. In case you hover the children with golf instructions, they may want to quit the game altogether. Let them experience the positive side and fun of junior golfer.

You may start by asking your self a few questions. What is your motivation for getting junior golf instruction? The typical answer may be:

Reputation of golf for rules, self policing and fair play

  • You as a Parent get time for your kid
  • Spending quality time with your kid and golf is the vehicle
  • Your kid must be in a number of activities and golf being one of them
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Search for a qualified junior golf instructor. Contact your local PGA section or a local club or golf course for junior golf lesions. A certified PGA professional should be a good place to start golf lessons with. Now that you want your kids to take Junior Golf instructions, you should see that Golf professional should concentrate mainly on short game. The golf professional should be teaching your junior many different games that are fun to play. This should be done wile instilling solid golf swing fundamentals which will help your kid to improve. This junior golf instruction programme should give your kid proper junior golf lessons.

The series of golf lessons should include sessions on rules of golf as well as golf etiquette. Your kid may not have to play real Golf Hole. They may just count the shots to get to the green to determine the score.

They may want to hit into the bunker than on the green. Bunkers are small and this may help them later. The bunkers are fun to climb and so your kid may want to climb it. This will help them to learn bunker etiquette.

You can begin with a real set of junior set of clubs. The old club cannot be made shorter to fit the junior golfer. Find a company that specially and properly weights their junior golf clubs depending upon the size of your child. It is not necessary to buy the whole golf set. You may buy one junior club at a time.

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The game of golf will also teach your child many life skills and is a game they can enjoy the rest of their lives.

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